CURRENT MOOD: melancholy
CURRENT MUSIC: Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5
i really haven't been having a good week. if you slap my face in or outside school ever again, i will not hesitate to punch your face in.
don't touch me.
a bit of a "i really don't need this" kinda mood earlier on.
guess i'm just not one of them, "if i wrote you a symphony..."
do tell why.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
YES. i passed. i passed. i passed.
you who see eye to eye with me, literally.. do keep in mind that i'm now 2 grades your senior. so try, if you can, to keep the bitching you so adore on the low. just try. X) i don't want to be forced into putting you in your place. that would be highly embarrassing and not quite the way i prefer to work, though i do have a flair for such antics.
i prefer low-key manipulative methods.
XD just joking (for the sake of my friends who might've gone rigid in their seats).
anyway, i'm in a good mood.. despite.. a bruised collar bone and shin, and a couple of bruised toes and ribs. so, if you're on msn and want to chat about stupid things, tonight's the night to do so. haha
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
i'm about to go for an exam.. and everybody decides: oh, lookie! now's the opportune moment to piss amy off!
goodness gracious me, LEAVE ME ALONE. unless you really have something important to say and you're at risk of losing your life... then again, i wouldn't mind if some of you lost it momentarily while i took my exam. i'll revive you after the exam. my mum's got one of her MSC exams tomorrow and is driving everyone, especially me, absolutely bonkers. she's ranting and raving about an exam to someone who has been through 11.5 years, well, 14.5 if you include preschool, of the beloved education system. i told her to take a sweet.
ah.. right.. hopefully, i'm in a good mood later on. the results are released immediately after the exam. drats.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
now the world... would i want to go? after looking at a caption under Arthya's photo about him wanting to live in Downtown Washington, i as suddenly inspired to blog about that particular.. "topic". yes Arthya, you inspired me, WWOAH. hahaha.
anyhow, i actually don't think i'll want to live overseas, maybe visit or study but i doubt i'll permenantly settle anywhere other than overly-sunny Singapore. call me unadventurous or whatever, but i think that i would want to have a fairly stable environment to start a family. i don't entirely fancy the idea of automated weapons being purchased at the downtown K-Mart by 12 year olds. uh uh. but as for the places i want to travel to, oh where do i even start...
1. Milan - Italy
2. Vatican City
3. Paris - France
4. Hokkaido, Okinawa - Japan
5. New Orleans (AGAIN!! though unfortunately, it's lost its beauty after Hurricane Katrina), New York City!! (the most i ever saw of it was a transit flight at JFK airport, how absolutely sad.)
6. England
oh the list goes on. shall we go backpacking? not everywhere listed above, but maybe across Europe? or go to New York City? just you and me. haha. yay.
ah, the trick to "bitching" about someone, is to ensure she isn't in the cubicle of the toilet you're in when you get the party started. once again, one knows who her friends are. doesn't really bother me, i actually find it amusing. so, clearly, they didn't play a very important role in my life to start off with. haha.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
you take me for granted sometimes...
i don't like that..
so much for it being a good day..
it's a bad night.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
CURRENT MUSIC: Grace Kelly - Mika
despite incidences from the previous day, some of which were rather "disconcerting", it didn't really affect my mood today. i guess i've finally figured out what is important in life. my friends, and i don't mean those sort who only want your companionship 'cause you have something they want or come to you expecting a reward in return. i'm referring to true friends who will be there regardless and do the stupidest of things just 'cause they know it'll make you happy. my music and my bandmates, my doggy, my karate, my family (can't believe i just said that? neither can i), God in a way though my faith is not strong, and very importantly, my love. other things, what people may say, do or imply... they don't really matter that greatly if you know what you want in life. clearly, you don't want them in it. so there you have it.
today was a good day.. i finished my book, i had fun, i told someone special things i've been wanting to say at face value, i was praised and critiqued (just to show me where to improve) at training, i'm finishing learning a latin song, i'm happily making progress playing a rhapsody on the piano (finally a song of my choice with no pressure to get it down perfect immediately).
however, i foresee tomorrow to be a very exhausting day. 4 hours of tuition.. chemistry and mathematics.
oh, the horrors.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.
CURRENT MOOD: bordering on cranky
CURRENT SONG: Lithium - Evanescence
i realise it's actually been quite.. "a while" since the last time i blogged.
i think i should change the skin too.
let's just say i've been busy.
term exams recently passed and despite not being too pleased with my economics and mathematics, on the whole, i've actually made a noticeable improvement in my other subjects. 5 grades up is a big... difference. it's given me somewhat.. more confidence when dealing with inept, name calling, people labelling "homosapiens" (i prefer to think of them as.."THINGS") with their warped idiosyncracies. it's a lot easier to know that i've exacted sweet revenge on some of these "THINGS", purely by showing them i'm far more capable than they believed/believe. of course i've really got nothing to prove, but it does give a great deal of satisfaction and could possibly become my driving force for the A levels. IN YOUR GOLF-BALL-TEXTURED FACE. muahaha.
the past 2.5 weeks have been lonely without that close companionship that i yearn for. ok, that came out quite desperate... then again, who says i'm not, well for that ONE person only, thank you. no substitutes will be appreciated and will be promptly sent back from whence they came. so yes, to that special one in my life, i miss you.
i really need to go shopping. like proper shopping. not window shopping. although people still owe me money cough*Jeremy*cough*Edric*cough, i believe i still have enough to indulge in some retail therapy. SHOES are definitely on my list. they are STAPLES and a complete MUST. so tomorrow, Joy and i shall have a go in town after school. hopefully Justin can join us. suddenly he's got band rehearsal and he's not too pleased about it.
what iAMY has to sing, has been heard.